
Showing posts from September, 2019

Mass Murder, Mental Illness and Spiritual Vacuousness

Laura Ingraham I listened to a guest (sorry, I do not recall her name) on The Ingraham Angle (Fox News) explain how a mass murderer "might not necessarily be mentally ill" (paraphrased). Possibly because her guest was highly credentialed, Laura Ingraham did not challenge her guest's assertion that only about 25% of all mass murderers suffer from mental illness. And therein, folks, lies but one of the many reasons why we cannot get our act together to combat mass murders: Those who would define mental illness are themselves gripped by a kind of mental illness. They seek to normalize mass murderers because they cannot bring themselves to classify anyone as other than normal. Connor Betts and sister he murdered. Raise your hand if you agree with the following statement: "All murderers, by definition, are mentally ill." I hope you raised your hand, because by definition, that is a true statement. What the mental health experts almost universally fail to