
Showing posts from 2021

The Insanity of Electronic Surveillance of Home Workers

Some background first.  I am retired (from the "regular" workforce) after 38 years in HR management. While my retirement occurred prior to the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, I had some experience with remote working pre-Covid, and vicarious experience through my wife's remote working during Covid. Allow me to say, then, that I don't think the surveillance issue has so much to do with where the employee does his/her work. I believe it has mostly to do with how the employee's supervisor or manager does his/her work. As I read about and reflect on the burgeoning employer practice of WFH surveillance of employees I am disturbed but not surprised by the knee-jerk panic of some managers who are afraid they suddenly are going to be taken advantage of by people working from home. I suspect those same managers already were taken advantage of by the same employees who formerly worked in cubicles within the manager's line-of-sight.  Surveillance Did Not Work Before

The Myth (Big Lie) of "Companies That Don't Pay Taxes"

Companies create the jobs that pay the wages that get taxed by the government … Labor Force Participation Rates Directly Correlate to Taxes Collected The more jobs a company creates, the more income taxes the government rakes in. Conversely, the more the government taxes companies and raises the minimum wage, the fewer jobs companies create. Ergo, companies create jobs that create tax payments; governments destroy tax revenue when they excessively tax companies, because excessive taxes destroy jobs. The federal Government's double-dip Government taxes the income of those who work in the jobs the companies create, then they turn around and tax the companies on top of the income taxes paid by the companys' workers.  Example: General Motors:  Find more statistics at Statista In 2020, the average rate of pay for a General Motors employee was $27.00 per hour, with an average annual bonus of $8,000. All in, the average annual pay was $62,540 dollars. Multiply that by 155,000 worker

How James "Hardwired" Harden's Harmonics Will Wreck Your Machine

The same condition that prevented the Houston Rockets from winning a championship when James "Hardwired" Harden plied his trade in that market is the same condition that will prevent the  Philadelphia 76ers from winning a championship as long as James Harden is an employee. And what is that condition? In a word: Harmonics.  Some explanation is due of what it means to be Hardwired as that term relates to James Harden's inability to contribute towards winning a championship, as well as how Harmonics relates to the NBA. First. James "Hardwired" Harden is not wired to win team championships, any more than your refrigerator is wired to operate off the same wattage as your computer screen. Harden is hardwired to succeed and be recognized as an individual, and as an individual only. If that means the remainder of the team has some degree of success, that's fine with him. If it means they remain or become mediocre underachievers, that, too, is fine with him. When y


Here is a link to an article from a study by the New York Department of Health, published in the the Bulletin of the American Statistical Association in 1922. The entire article, which deals with the "epochs" of influenza pandemics over a five hundred year period, is informative and instructive in light of the current Covid-19 pandemic.  Here is the most pertinent, Covid-related take-away:  "The fifth epoch (Spanish Flu) began in 1915 and is still in progress. The first pandemic invasion was the great wave of 1918, which has been followed by several revivals in various countries, some of serious proportions as to mortality. This, doubtless, was the most fatal of all influenza pandemics and was perhaps the greatest single catastrophe of modern times,not excepting wars. Therefore the duration of the first four epochs being roughly 24, 15, 28, and 12 years respectively, or an average of 19.8 years, it is clear that the epoch beginning in 1915 will very probably contain on

By Definition, Joe Biden is America's Only White Supremacist

There are only two places in the Bible where an individual is referred to as Supreme. In each case, that individual is the King.  In Biblical times, almost all countries were ruled by a King. The modern counterpart of the King in Democracies has the title of President, Prime Minister, Chancellor, etc. In autocracies or dictatorships, the person in charge of the government is referred to as, in the example of North Korea's Leader, Supreme Marshall, or sometimes simply as Supreme Leader or Supreme commander. People who so freely bandy about the words "white supremacy" have given little thought as to what the word "supreme" really means, especially in its socio-political and religious contexts.  In those contexts, as we have pointed out, only one person in a country is truly supreme, and that is the person at the head of the government. Biblically, Kings were assigned the attribute of "supremacy" because they were the earthly beings who exercised civil au

A Tale of Two Speeches: What Shall It Profit a Man . . .?

  In President Biden's address to a partial Congress last night and in Senator Tim Scott's response, we heard two starkly contrasting answers to the Biblical question, "For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?" (Mark 8:36) President Biden, who could not even bring himself to utter the words "under God" after pronouncing us "One nation" during his speech, answered the question with "Everything." Senator Scott answered with "Nothing."  The most compromised President in American history, jointly owned by the Chinese government, the Democrat party, and the Media, would gain the world. Senator Scott, on the other hand, a professing Christian who knows what the real prize is and who knows who wields the real power, would not forfeit his soul for power or any other worldly gain. How refreshing it would be to have a President who, at the very least, knew the correct answer to the aforement

Your Donation Will Help Feed the Washington D. C. Swamp Rats

Soon, people will be able to say that they are card-carrying "Kamala Harris card" carriers (see image below).. What else is on the Kamala Harris card? Nothing, presumably just Kamala Harris. And you don't even get a piece of bubble gum. They say they don't want your money . . . now. But as soon as the card gets printed, it will be available for the price of a donation to the DemocRAT party. And where will that money go? Well, you can be sure it won't go toward anything to help YOU, as a citizen or individual. Your donation will go towards the care and feeding of the Washington, D. C. Swamp Rats. What a racket! Like Comment Share

The Triple-Compromised Presidency of Joe Biden

Joe Biden is owned by the Chinese, and because he is owned by the Chinese he is also owned  by the radically-leftist Democrat party and by the Media. Had this not been true, he would never have been nominated or elected. Here's how it all shakes out. The China Compromise It is plainly and clearly established that Joe Biden is in bed with the Chinese. His son, Hunter Biden, is little more than the laundryman for the money and perks that Joe Biden receives from the Chicoms. The Chinese, naturally, have taken advantage of the compromise and will increasingly do so for the next four years ("mi compromiso es tu compromiso" when it comes to soon-to-be President Kamala Harris, whose future role as President was sealed by Biden's Chinese compromise).  ". . . so help me, China." The Socialist-Democrat Party Compromise It is plain to see that Joe Biden would not have been the Democrat nominee for President of the United States, save for his Chinese compromise, which l

The Internal Rot and Ruination of Professional Sports

I don't give a rat's patootie that professional athletes have a "large platform." What does that mean, anyway? Hitler had a "large platform." So did Stalin. And Marx. And Al Capone. Is there some natural correlation between fame and good sense? Fame and wisdom? Infamy and honesty? Fame and holiness? I know people who don't have a "large platform" but have wisdom, knowledge and experience that far surpass that of most professional athletes, most of whom barely (and usually fraudulently) obtained a college degree. Remember back when they aired that program "Scared Straight?" The felonious prisoners in that show had a "large platform," yet I did not hear anybody asking them for their take on social issues.  Polls show that most people don't trust politicians or journalists. But we trust and hang on every word that a famous athlete utters? What's with THAT?  It's Not How Fast You Are News flash: running a 4.4 40-yard

What the Right to Bear Arms Is and Is Not

The Right to Bear Arms is not to protect us from home invasions by criminals (though it does); it is to protect citizens against government despots. When Joe Biden tells us that no Amendment to the Constitution is absolute, he is forced to ignore two things: First, that the first ten amendments are collectively called the Bill of RIGHTS! Thus, if no amendment is absolute, then no right is absolute. If that is the case, freedom is kaput, gone, annihilated. Second, that there is such a thing as absolute truth. Without absolute truth....well, that's why our country is the hellish mess we have become, because people no longer believe there are absolute truths. I used to think Joe Biden compared most favorably to King George II, but I now think a better comparison is to Osama bin Laden. The latter's modus operandi was to terrorize a group of people into submission. 'Nuff said. --Larry W. Bradley, 2021 Read more here...

Joe Biden and the Unions: From One Relic to Another

  It is not surprising that Joe Biden, a political relic, refers constantly to unions, another relic of our past. To listen to Mr. Biden, it's as though unions and union jobs are much to be trusted and desired by the public. They are not. There are many reasons why union membership has fallen dramatically in the past 50 years, and their violent Bolshevist history is chief among them. Make no mistake though: Mr. Biden intends to breath new life into unionism and its Bolshevist methodologies. If Americans remain ignorant to the threat, Bolshevist unions working hand-in-hand with a Bolshevist government and a Bolshevist Press is a powerful combination that is likely to succeed in implementing the agenda of the Progressive Socialists currently occupying the White House and a sizable portion of the federal and state houses and legislatures. Unions arguably were the first domestic terrorist groups of the United States. If not the first, certainly the most violent. In 1923, the Wall Stree

Naomi Wolf, Rush Limbaugh and "The End of America"

Until Tucker Carlson of Fox News resurrected her on this date (Feb 22, 2021) to discuss a book she wrote in 2007, it must have been, what, 5, 10, maybe 15 years since I heard or thought about Naomi Wolf. Ironically, Ms. Wolf originally rose to prominence at a time when Rush Limbaugh was in his meteoric ascendance on Talk Radio, and as I recall he had plenty to say about her "femi-nazi" ways.  This post is not about Rush Limbaugh, but I do wonder if he read Ms. Wolf's "The End of America: A Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot" and, if so, how he received it when it was written, and if, within the past 14 years, he reflected on what she wrote. I can imagine that many conservatives would have rejected out of hand anything she wrote because of her liberal feminist leanings. At the time, the book probably was written off by many as merely Bush-bashing or conservative hating. But after hearing her on Mr. Carlson's show I purchased the e-book version and immediat

To a Divided Nation

"By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”John 13:35 There can be no unity among a people when the vast majority of that people are idolatrous, hating each other because they first hated God. Anyone who says he wants peace and unity and does not love God and his enemies is a liar, and the truth is not in him. We are at war with one another because we cannot escape our own natures, and our nature informs us that if we want something and we cannot obtain it by other means, we should take it by force. Rather than asking God for it, we destroy others and flaunt God's commandments to obtain it. That goes for power and prestige as much as it does for material possessions.  . . .those who represent us in the in national, state and municipal legislatures have no basis for uniting us if they themselves are at enmity with God and with one another. Do we think we can have unity without repentance? Do we think it is our neighbor, or our ene

Here's one for the kiddies in our KinderCongress

  My kids and grand-kids understand the economy perfectly well. What would really be great would be to get these into the hands of the kiddies in our #KinderCongress . Do your kids understand the big differences between capitalism and socialsim? We've put together a new Kids Guide to...   Posted by The Kids Guide on  Wednesday, February 3, 2021

2021 and The Visitation of Iniquity

 For I the LORD your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the sons to the third and fourth generation of those that hate me, and showing mercy to thousands of those that love Me and keep My commandments. Deuteronomy 5:8-10  Today, a generation is generally considered to be 20 to 30 years. Let's take the average and call a generation 25 years. Let's also use the "fourth generation" from the Bible verse above. Now we have a reasonable argument that the iniquities of one generation are visited upon their offspring for the next 100 years (4x25). A Century Ago What was happening in the United States 100 years ago, in the years between 1910 to 1920? There was anarchy and rioting that led to injuries and deaths. Identity politics ruled the day. There was tremendous class-envy. The lower classes were rebelling against the wealthy class. Labor hated capital. Capital derided labor for not realizing that they had a good thing in capitalism. Socialism w

According to Google and the U.S. Congress, "White Supremacists" Are Unique

 When I googled ("white supremacist" definition) one of the search results returned was this: a person who believes that white people constitute a superior race and should therefore dominate society, typically to the exclusion or detriment of other racial and ethnic groups, in particular black or Jewish people. usage example: "an avowed white supremacist" (from Oxford Languages) Every English-language lexicon website  had a similar definition (merriam-webster,, wikipedia,,, wiktionary,, and the list goes on). Most of the the definitions were exactly the same as quoted above, or very close to it.  Interestingly, in my second search when I substituted "black," "brown," and "yellow" for "white," there were no results. Zero. Zilch. Nada. And not only were no definitions returned in my alternative searches, unlike with my "white supremacist" search

"FLUE NEWS" A Workplace Flyer on the Spanish Flu from 1918

 In the November, 1918 edition of Factory: The Magazine of Management, we found this short blurb on a publication an unnamed employer used to keep its employees better informed about the Spanish Influenza pandemic. Below the short article, we have included a Spanish Flu-related advertisement for your amusement. HELPING KEEP WORKERS HEALTHY WHEN the Spanish influenza was just getting a start in the plant of one middle-western company, a special sheet called “Flue News," was distributed to all of the workers. This, written in a semi-humorous style so that it would be read, told the workers how to take care of themselves so as not to get sick, how to ward off the disease, and what to do if they took it. Of course it is impossible to state how much good this has done but the percentage of workers sick has been relatively low.

The HypoCrats' New Loyalty Oath: I Pledge Allegiance to the Hag

Nancy Pelosi, Hag of the House If you want to survive in Nancy Pelosi's America, you might want to learn this new Pledge of Allegiance. (I wanted to say "Joe Biden's America," but no one seriously thinks he is in charge of the country.) "I pledge allegiance to the Hag of the United States of America, and to the socialist state for which she stands, one nation free from God, with liberty and justice for an elite few." "pledge": noun-a solemn promise or agreement to do or refrain from doing something. "allegiance": loyalty or commitment of a subordinate to a superior or of an individual to a group or cause.

Americans Did Not Vote in 2020, We Played the Lottery

  Whether by design or dumb luck, the Democrats won the 2020 national election not because those voting for them supported any of their policies, or even knew what they were.  The Dems did not win because their voters were seeking social justice, nor were the voters particularly concerned about their own financial or job status, much less the economy.  Democrat voters did not give a Georgia hoot about what form of government we have, or whether it is best to have divided government. They did not even vote for social justice, at least not in the way that at least half of us understand it.  They did not vote for a President or for Congressional representatives for any other reason than they were, for all intents and purposes, not casting a ballot but purchasing a Lottery ticket. And why not? The Democrat Party campaigned on a Mega Millions ticket. "Vote For Us and Get Rich!" Free college. College loan forgiveness. Free health care. Reparations (it's going to happen). Pay Eq

The Long, Dark Winter of Joe Biden's Bitterness

Angry and Bitter Uncle Joe If Joe Biden's pre-inauguration anger and bitterness are signs of his post-inauguration behavior--and I fear they are--we are indeed, as the President-elect is fond of saying, in for a long, dark winter. Only this one won't be seasonal in the usual sense of that word. This winter is going to last for four years or until Kamala Harris takes office and the winter continues, only darker and colder. So, why is it that Joe is angry, do you suppose. Is it because he hates Trump, and his anger will subside when Trump is gone? I think not. Is it because of his age, a natural grumpiness possessed of most octogenarians? I think not. Allow me to suggest several causes for Uncle Joe's anger. First, Uncle Joe wanted to be President long before now, back when he was younger, more physically and mentally fit, and not so tired of the grind of politics. Bitterness is a form of anger, and Uncle Joe is bitter that it took him this long to ascend to the Presidency. B