
Showing posts from January, 2021

According to Google and the U.S. Congress, "White Supremacists" Are Unique

 When I googled ("white supremacist" definition) one of the search results returned was this: a person who believes that white people constitute a superior race and should therefore dominate society, typically to the exclusion or detriment of other racial and ethnic groups, in particular black or Jewish people. usage example: "an avowed white supremacist" (from Oxford Languages) Every English-language lexicon website  had a similar definition (merriam-webster,, wikipedia,,, wiktionary,, and the list goes on). Most of the the definitions were exactly the same as quoted above, or very close to it.  Interestingly, in my second search when I substituted "black," "brown," and "yellow" for "white," there were no results. Zero. Zilch. Nada. And not only were no definitions returned in my alternative searches, unlike with my "white supremacist" search

"FLUE NEWS" A Workplace Flyer on the Spanish Flu from 1918

 In the November, 1918 edition of Factory: The Magazine of Management, we found this short blurb on a publication an unnamed employer used to keep its employees better informed about the Spanish Influenza pandemic. Below the short article, we have included a Spanish Flu-related advertisement for your amusement. HELPING KEEP WORKERS HEALTHY WHEN the Spanish influenza was just getting a start in the plant of one middle-western company, a special sheet called “Flue News," was distributed to all of the workers. This, written in a semi-humorous style so that it would be read, told the workers how to take care of themselves so as not to get sick, how to ward off the disease, and what to do if they took it. Of course it is impossible to state how much good this has done but the percentage of workers sick has been relatively low.

The HypoCrats' New Loyalty Oath: I Pledge Allegiance to the Hag

Nancy Pelosi, Hag of the House If you want to survive in Nancy Pelosi's America, you might want to learn this new Pledge of Allegiance. (I wanted to say "Joe Biden's America," but no one seriously thinks he is in charge of the country.) "I pledge allegiance to the Hag of the United States of America, and to the socialist state for which she stands, one nation free from God, with liberty and justice for an elite few." "pledge": noun-a solemn promise or agreement to do or refrain from doing something. "allegiance": loyalty or commitment of a subordinate to a superior or of an individual to a group or cause.

Americans Did Not Vote in 2020, We Played the Lottery

  Whether by design or dumb luck, the Democrats won the 2020 national election not because those voting for them supported any of their policies, or even knew what they were.  The Dems did not win because their voters were seeking social justice, nor were the voters particularly concerned about their own financial or job status, much less the economy.  Democrat voters did not give a Georgia hoot about what form of government we have, or whether it is best to have divided government. They did not even vote for social justice, at least not in the way that at least half of us understand it.  They did not vote for a President or for Congressional representatives for any other reason than they were, for all intents and purposes, not casting a ballot but purchasing a Lottery ticket. And why not? The Democrat Party campaigned on a Mega Millions ticket. "Vote For Us and Get Rich!" Free college. College loan forgiveness. Free health care. Reparations (it's going to happen). Pay Eq

The Long, Dark Winter of Joe Biden's Bitterness

Angry and Bitter Uncle Joe If Joe Biden's pre-inauguration anger and bitterness are signs of his post-inauguration behavior--and I fear they are--we are indeed, as the President-elect is fond of saying, in for a long, dark winter. Only this one won't be seasonal in the usual sense of that word. This winter is going to last for four years or until Kamala Harris takes office and the winter continues, only darker and colder. So, why is it that Joe is angry, do you suppose. Is it because he hates Trump, and his anger will subside when Trump is gone? I think not. Is it because of his age, a natural grumpiness possessed of most octogenarians? I think not. Allow me to suggest several causes for Uncle Joe's anger. First, Uncle Joe wanted to be President long before now, back when he was younger, more physically and mentally fit, and not so tired of the grind of politics. Bitterness is a form of anger, and Uncle Joe is bitter that it took him this long to ascend to the Presidency. B

Going to the Biden Inauguration?

 Attend the Biden inauguration in style! Don't leave home without a MAMA hat!

Biden's Bunker + Today's "Mein Kampf" Presser = an Epiphany

Hitler rose to power largely, if not entirely, by instilling in the German populace a deep-seated fear of the German Communists, as well as an envious and resentful hatred for the Jews. For Uncle Joe, it's White Supremacists and Christians. Earlier this week I watched, for probably the fourth time, the History Channel series on Adolph Hitler. The day after the last episode in the Hitler series, which was two days after the mislabeled "Capitol Hill insurrection," I watched Joe Biden's press conference.  I try to not use the word "epiphany" too frequently or lightly, but I had epiphany. Suddenly I knew what Biden was doing while in his basement bunker for the majority of his so-called Presidential "campaign." He was reading and re-reading " Mein Kampf, " and quite possibly binge watching the History Channel's Hitler series, asking himself why if a young German buffoon and underachiever was able to rise to power by appealing to

Life Expectancy in America Just Took Another Dive

With the citizenry of the United States recently deciding that a Republic is no longer a viable form of government and freedom for all is no longer desirable, one of the certain consequences of that decision will be a gradual (and perhaps, aided by the current pandemic, a precipitous) drop in the average life expectancy of Americans. Of course, the American oligarchs and elitists won't be affected so much as the teeming masses that they control--they will have private health care and will suffer none of the scourges of poverty brought on by over-regulation, over-taxation and irresponsible spending, but it won't be pretty for those clinging to the bottom rungs of the ladder as we head ever-closer to third-world-country status. The United States, at No. 46 in the world , is already situated between Estonia and Panama, and with the results of the 2020 elections you can count on us dropping even lower. Look out Syria, Somalia and Nigeria: here we come.  Elections have consequences.

You've Been Jilted: Sweet Dreams and The Coming Foreign / Domestic Policy Flip-Flop

Cue the music: Patsy Cline singing "Sweet Dreams (of You)." This song and this post are for you, America. The average United States citizen is either too stupid, too ignorant or too fat and lazy to care about such things as foreign and domestic policy in terms of what is the right thing to do regarding those policies, rather than what's in it for them, but let's forge ahead with this post anyway. In the United States, at least from time-to-time, we have recognized that not all foreign countries are our friends, while at the same time we have sought to protect our citizenry from foreign threats to our American way of life. That part about "our way of life" is important. Ask the average citizen if the United States has enemies and he might say "Yes," but ask him  what makes  another country our enemy, or what our enemies want  to do  to the United States and you will find that he is probably--and it bears repeating here--too stupid, too ignorant or t

Ephesians 2:1–3 // Part 9 // Who Are the Sons of Disobedience?
