
Showing posts from February, 2021

Naomi Wolf, Rush Limbaugh and "The End of America"

Until Tucker Carlson of Fox News resurrected her on this date (Feb 22, 2021) to discuss a book she wrote in 2007, it must have been, what, 5, 10, maybe 15 years since I heard or thought about Naomi Wolf. Ironically, Ms. Wolf originally rose to prominence at a time when Rush Limbaugh was in his meteoric ascendance on Talk Radio, and as I recall he had plenty to say about her "femi-nazi" ways.  This post is not about Rush Limbaugh, but I do wonder if he read Ms. Wolf's "The End of America: A Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot" and, if so, how he received it when it was written, and if, within the past 14 years, he reflected on what she wrote. I can imagine that many conservatives would have rejected out of hand anything she wrote because of her liberal feminist leanings. At the time, the book probably was written off by many as merely Bush-bashing or conservative hating. But after hearing her on Mr. Carlson's show I purchased the e-book version and immediat

To a Divided Nation

"By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”John 13:35 There can be no unity among a people when the vast majority of that people are idolatrous, hating each other because they first hated God. Anyone who says he wants peace and unity and does not love God and his enemies is a liar, and the truth is not in him. We are at war with one another because we cannot escape our own natures, and our nature informs us that if we want something and we cannot obtain it by other means, we should take it by force. Rather than asking God for it, we destroy others and flaunt God's commandments to obtain it. That goes for power and prestige as much as it does for material possessions.  . . .those who represent us in the in national, state and municipal legislatures have no basis for uniting us if they themselves are at enmity with God and with one another. Do we think we can have unity without repentance? Do we think it is our neighbor, or our ene

Here's one for the kiddies in our KinderCongress

  My kids and grand-kids understand the economy perfectly well. What would really be great would be to get these into the hands of the kiddies in our #KinderCongress . Do your kids understand the big differences between capitalism and socialsim? We've put together a new Kids Guide to...   Posted by The Kids Guide on  Wednesday, February 3, 2021

2021 and The Visitation of Iniquity

 For I the LORD your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the sons to the third and fourth generation of those that hate me, and showing mercy to thousands of those that love Me and keep My commandments. Deuteronomy 5:8-10  Today, a generation is generally considered to be 20 to 30 years. Let's take the average and call a generation 25 years. Let's also use the "fourth generation" from the Bible verse above. Now we have a reasonable argument that the iniquities of one generation are visited upon their offspring for the next 100 years (4x25). A Century Ago What was happening in the United States 100 years ago, in the years between 1910 to 1920? There was anarchy and rioting that led to injuries and deaths. Identity politics ruled the day. There was tremendous class-envy. The lower classes were rebelling against the wealthy class. Labor hated capital. Capital derided labor for not realizing that they had a good thing in capitalism. Socialism w