
Showing posts from 2023

Murdering Babies in Gaza…and in Ohio. A Special Plea to Ohio Mothers.

Hamas delights in beheading born babies or burning them alive in an oven. Ohioans delight in slicing up unborn babies or destroying them with chemicals while they are still in the sacred refuge of their mothers' wombs. The EVIL citizens of Ohio, most of who presumably decry the recent, brutal slaughter of infants in Israel, just voted to constitutionally protect the rights of Ohio women to allow the murder of their own babies in the womb. Note that I said EVIL citizens of Ohio, and not EVIL Democrats , because Ohio is politically controlled by Republicans, thus it stands to reason that there are enough Republicans in Ohio who could have prevented this great EVIL if they so desired. This is a bipartisan slaughter of the innocent. Ohioans, I don't care about which political party you belong to, I no longer want to hear ANY of you complain about the evils of transgenderism, unprosecuted crimes, pornography in the schools, or any other social evil. You—all of you—just codified Inf

Joe Biden and The $6B Hostage Payment: It Ain't That Hard

 A former boss of mine (he knows who he is) gave me the great gift of a timeless phrase that I have used over the years far more times than most of my friends, family and co-workers wished: "It ain't that hard."  So allow me to vent a bit here and answer the question "Why won't Joe Biden freeze the $6 billion ransom payment to the Iranians?" Well, friends, IT AIN'T THAT HARD if you have paid any attention whatsoever to the nature of the person (Joseph Biden) we are talking about here. Here's the deal: An un-indicted criminal who is guilty of treason, bribery, money-laundering and God only knows (literally) what else—someone who has enriched himself and his family by selling influence, appointing foreign agents to government posts, abusing and using his own son, lying to the public virtually every time he opens his mouth, and by all accounts is a scantily-closeted sexual pervert—simply does not just make bad and baffling policy decisions regarding eve

About "Pride Month"

Not much good ever comes from being proud of your sin, or your sexual perversion. Instead of celebrating our sinful pride...whatever it might be that we are proud of...we should examine our pride to determine if it is justified or sinful. Proverbs 16:18 Pride  goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall. Leviticus 26:19 and I will break the  pride  of your power, and I will make your heavens like iron and your earth like bronze. In Context  |  Full Chapter  |  Other Translations 2 Chronicles 26:16 Uzziah's  Pride  and Punishment But when he was strong, he grew proud, to his destruction. For he was unfaithful to the  Lord  his God and entered the temple of the  Lord  to burn incense on the altar of incense. 2 Chronicles 32:26 But Hezekiah humbled himself for the  pride  of his heart, both he and the inhabitants of Jerusalem, so that the wrath of the  Lord  did not come upon them in the days of Hezekiah. In Context  |  Full Chapter  |  Other Translations Job 22:29 For

The Binary-ness of Declaring Yourself to be Non-Binary

Declaring one's self to be Non-Binary in the gender arena is a binary decision, and as such, a decision that presents the claimant with a real dilemma. Most people who present themselves as non-binary are of the ilk that believe there is no such thing as absolute truth, thus there is no such thing as absolute "right and wrong." They believe that truth, and just about everything in the realms of ethics and morals, is on some kind of fluid continuum that changes whimsically according to their mood. The dilemma, then, is that by declaring yourself to be non-binary, you are making a binary "yes or no" decision, with the necessary implication that you are also making a binary "right or wrong" decision. Of course, once the argument enters the realm of Right and Wrong, it becomes a matter of who is right and who is wrong. There is no continuum for Right and Wrong. Not being a philosopher or deep thinker in general, I tend to make Right or Wrong decisions scie

Alistair Begg: He Is Not Here: The Significance of the Empty Tomb


Today's new pronouns are not only asinine, they are dangerous

 HE SHE WE | HIM HER THEY | HIS HER THEIR There is no doubt that communications are crucial to virtually every aspect of a nation's growth and survival. There also is no doubt that a nation's communications are only as strong as the nation's language, and that countries and cultures that have a single or predominant language have social, cultural, economic, technological, educational, and national security advantages over those countries and cultures where different languages are official or predominant from state to state or province to province within a single national geographical border. Communications are only as good as the language from which they derive, and the language is only as good as its grammar. And that is where we arrive today at our claim that the "new pronouns" (that really are not new, but are hideous and diabolical  bastardizations of the science-based pronouns that served us well for centuries) are a danger to the health, safety, security, an

"Oppressed" POC? Thank a White Supremacist

  If you are a POC and you: Live in government-subsidized housing. Participate in SNAP. Have an EBT card. Have free Obamacare. Ride on government-subsidized transportation. Have a government-issue phone and subsidized phone service. Send your kids to free government schools where they receive three free government meals each day.  Have your children in free or subsidized government child care. Get a free income tax "refund" (EIC) from the government, whether you worked or not. Receive free or government-subsidized assistance for your utility bills. Receive government-funded or subsidized college tuition funds. Went to college for free on a scholarship that was funded by a white individual, a predominantly white group or a white-owned company. Have the freedom to stay at home or simply roam around carefree because society provides you with free food, clothing and shelter, then… Each and every day of your existence, you should THANK A WHITE SUPREMACIST… …many of whom are retire

Draconian Pandemic Laws: The More Things Change…

While this paper by the Royal College of Surgeons in England was written more than 100 years prior to the COVID pandemic of the 2020's and its subject is the disease of syphilis, the similarities as regards the general panic of the populace and the over-reaction by the government, as well as the deceptiveness of medical and government officials, makes the two events remarkably alike.

"Must Read" for the "Church and State" and "Equity" Crowds

For the masses of Americans who are just as vociferous, thoughtless and ignorant about the matters of Separation of Church and State, and Equity, as were the English more than 100 years ago on the issues of Disestablishment and Disenfranchisement, this short treatise should be required reading. Whether you agree with the author or not, at least and at last you can say that you have some real idea of what you are talking about when you argue your case.

The Great ACA Frog-Boil

"Network adequecy" by county, with dark blue counties having higher levels, as presented during the Georgia House Health Committee meeting.   Credit:  Georgia House of Representatives By now, all the frogs (American taxpayers) covered by the Affordable Care Act (ACA, Obamacare) have been boiled, rendering most criticism of the socialist medical insurance program moot. But sometimes the urge to prove that you were right all along outweighs the probability that such proof will fall on dead ears, and that is what we are doing with this post: Providing proof and expecting nothing to change as a result of our doing so. Read this , then come back to this post. The article focuses on the state of Georgia, but you can be sure that the problem is endemic to all 50 states. County-level data from last year shows some rural counties with over 90% network inadequacy. Depending on the insurance provider, people might have almost no access to allergists or obstetric gynecologists, among oth

Just Between You and I: Conjunctive Relief for Pronoun Confusion

  or   A smart fellow named Jim Abernathy, whom I do not know personally, posted on Facebook: "Meanwhile, my main grammatical pet peeve remains the "between he and I" variety, with it's many iterations. Many people seem to consider the subjective case pronouns to be inherently more elegant or correct than the objective case, and apparently have no idea how to choose between them. The most frequent version of this is the "for We the People" strain. This past Fall, the Alaska Republican Senate candidate Kelly Tshibaka became my grammatical hero when I heard her say "for Us the People" on Mark Levin's show. The allusion to the Constitution's preamble was still quite clear, and she recognized that she didn't have to commit a grammatical atrocity to make it! Rare discernment, these days." To which I replied: "And I would like to add here that there is a simple way for people to always get it right, and that is to remove the conjun

For the Sake of Twenty: The Republicans and the Speakership

The current impasse among the Republicans in their attempt to elect a new Speaker of the House reminds me greatly of the passage in the Bible wherein Abraham reasons with God regarding the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah . Genesis 18:23-32 For the sake of illustration, let's suppose that the Republican caucus of the U. S. House of Representatives is Sodom; Kevin McCarthy is Abraham; and Matt Gaetz, a member of the Republican Freeedom Caucus is God (we could have chosen any other member to play God, among those twenty in the Freedom caucus who oppose McCarthy, but Gaetz will suffice). The conventional reasoning goes somewhat like this: KEVIN : The Republican caucus has 222 members. Will you destroy the entire Republican caucus if only 202 are corrupt? MATT : Yes, I will destroy the entire Republican caucus if only 202 are corrupt. KEVIN : Will you destroy the entire Republican caucus if only 150 are corrupt? MATT : Yes, I will destroy the entire Republican caucus if only 150 are c