
Showing posts from March, 2023

"Oppressed" POC? Thank a White Supremacist

  If you are a POC and you: Live in government-subsidized housing. Participate in SNAP. Have an EBT card. Have free Obamacare. Ride on government-subsidized transportation. Have a government-issue phone and subsidized phone service. Send your kids to free government schools where they receive three free government meals each day.  Have your children in free or subsidized government child care. Get a free income tax "refund" (EIC) from the government, whether you worked or not. Receive free or government-subsidized assistance for your utility bills. Receive government-funded or subsidized college tuition funds. Went to college for free on a scholarship that was funded by a white individual, a predominantly white group or a white-owned company. Have the freedom to stay at home or simply roam around carefree because society provides you with free food, clothing and shelter, then… Each and every day of your existence, you should THANK A WHITE SUPREMACIST… …many of whom are retire