
Kamala Harris DOES Have A Policies Web Site!

Come on Media — mainstream, midstream, downstream, liberal or conservative, whatever you want to call yourselves — quit propagating the idea that Kamala Harris does not have policies on the inter-web. If you want to know what her priorities are and what she has accomplished, maybe take a look at these two pages on the Biden-Harris  Accomplishments and Priorities ?  Allow me to give you some interpretive guidance and advice: First, if it is not on her Top Accomplishments list, it's probably not a priority for her. Second, if it is not on her Priorities list, it's not something she really intends to accomplish. Third, try to keep in mind that just because someone lists an accomplishment does not mean there is direct, empirical or even circumstantial evidence that it has been accomplished. Accomplishments Take, for instance, the Biden-Harris claim to "Lowering Costs of Everyday Expenses," accompanied by a detailed, cartoon-esque graphic that probably cost upwards of ten

Accomplishments on Trial: You Decide

  Take a look at what Trump claims to have accomplished, then compare it against what Biden-Harris claim to have accomplished. Let’s put their accomplishments on trial. In a trial, there is “ Direct Evidence” and “ Circumstantial Evidence.” Direct Evidence are things that you can measure, see, and touch. Circumstantial Evidence are things that you “feel” are true based on circumstances and your best observation, but things for which there is no direct proof. Which of the two candidates wins the trial? Which one has the most “Direct Evidence?” Which one has the most “Circumstantial Evidence?” Or, perhaps there is one candidate who has the most Direct AND the most Circumstantial Evidence. You decide. For each so-called “accomplishment,” ask yourself five questions: First, “Is this an accomplishment that really matters to me, to my family, and to the country?” Second, “Is there Direct Evidence to support the claim, such as official government statistics, things that you and others act

An Election Juxtaposition : The Presidential Conventions and The Godward Life Conference

At the same time that we (many of us) struggle to come to grips with Presidential tickets comprised of an autocratic California Marxist (Harris) and an autocratic Minnesota Marxist (Tim Walz), on the one side, and two Populist Nationalists (Donald Trump and J. D. Vance) on the other side, we must remind ourselves that California and Minnesota and Ohio and New York have a considerable number of Christ-trusting and Bible-believing citizens. In the case of Minnesota, I am reminded that Bethlehem Baptist Church, pastored by John Piper, is firmly established in the city of Minneapolis.  I do not harbor any false illusions that every member of Bethlehem Church is a Christian, much less a Republican or Democrat. But I believe I can safely say that that Bethlehem Church stands as a beacon of light in the darkness that is both political parties. And I believe that it is equally safe to say that there are true Christians and Christian churches in the home states and cities of all the candidates.

No Responsible Person in Private Business Would Ever Hire Kamala Harris

Kamala Harris I worked in HR management in private companies for 38 years. In that time, I was engaged in the hiring process for thousands of employees. One of the things I learned was that it is difficult—no, it is impossible—to learn very much about a person based on a resumé and an hour or two of interviews, no matter what interviewing methods you use. I also learned that possession of a college degree—even an advanced degree with professional certification—is scant proof of future success. 'Back in the day' before social media, it was even more difficult to gauge someone's character and world views (both of which should be essential to hiring, but have largely been legislated and shamed out of existence in the hiring process). If an interviewee had sufficient experience and education, you took your chances and hired them, then, like marrying someone two weeks after you met them at a bar, you simply observed and waited to see if they were a home run, a single, or a str

A Panhandle Conservative in Queen Sheila's Court

I moved from Borger, TX to Houston in 1994. For thirty years, I was a Panhandle Conservative in Queen Sheila's Court. I went from one of the most Red areas of the state and country to one of the most Black and Blue. I can't say that I suffered under Queen Sheila's rule, nor can I say that I prospered under her rule. I lived in an unincorporated portion of the Houston area, and did not even know for a few years, when she came up for reelection, that she was my representative. That is more than humorous, because she was one of my favorite targets for political derision, even before I moved to southeast Texas. No, I can't say that Sheila Jackson Lee affected my life at all as a member of the District she represented in the United States House of Representative. Queen Sheila was in the House only for herself. Public statements, public appearances, legislation, graft and corruption...everything she did was for Sheila, and Sheila only. I suspect that her replacement will be m

Rosaria Butterfield and Christopher Yuan: The Christian Sexual Ethic (S...


The Fullest, Longest Happiness: For Those Who Pass the Test
