Kamala Harris DOES Have A Policies Web Site!

Come on Media — mainstream, midstream, downstream, liberal or conservative, whatever you want to call yourselves — quit propagating the idea that Kamala Harris does not have policies on the inter-web. If you want to know what her priorities are and what she has accomplished, maybe take a look at these two pages on the Biden-Harris Accomplishments and Priorities

Allow me to give you some interpretive guidance and advice: First, if it is not on her Top Accomplishments list, it's probably not a priority for her. Second, if it is not on her Priorities list, it's not something she really intends to accomplish. Third, try to keep in mind that just because someone lists an accomplishment does not mean there is direct, empirical or even circumstantial evidence that it has been accomplished.


Take, for instance, the Biden-Harris claim to "Lowering Costs of Everyday Expenses," accompanied by a detailed, cartoon-esque graphic that probably cost upwards of ten million dollars for some government intern to produce. Without the graphic, who wudda known that charging stations (all four of them), surcharges on corporate stock buybacks, taxes on billion-dollar corporations, windmills and net-zero emissions were an important part of "Families' Everyday Expenses"?

And who would have known that our Infrastructure has been Rebuilt? Ah, but wait, you might say, the key word here is "Rebuilding," not "Rebuilt." It's in process; you know, like the four charging stations which Harris-Biden have built so far; the remaining $8 billion for that project being safe in the hands of Biden-Harris, and if we don't elect Harris the money might be squandered by that other guy.

I could go on, point by point, to describe the other "accomplishments" of Hiden-Barris (oops, Freudian slip), but will leave you, gentle reader, to make up your own mind whether they have actually done all those things posted on their web site, or have partially done them, or have not done them at all. Likewise, decide for yourself if each "accomplishment" is anything you give a rat's patootie about in relation to your "Everyday Life" or not. (As I write this, I have neither "high speed" or "affordable" internet, maybe because AT&T has not yet been notified by Hiden-Barris (oops, again!) that tens of millions of dollars have been allocated and the promise has not yet been kept, the mission not yet  accomplished.)


As for Priorities (note that even though each bullet says "President Biden will...." the page has the title "The Biden-Harris Administration Immediate Priorities"), again, decide for yourself if (a) the Biden-Harris priorities are YOUR priorities and, (b) either way, if Biden-Harris have done much of anything about each one of the so-called Priorities. Below is the abbreviated list, along with my own personal views. The detailed list is on their web site.

  1. COVID. In my opinion, while Covid 19 was massively a priority, the Hiden-Barris (oops, yet again) team did not just a horrendous job, they lied about the origins of the virus, they lied about the safety of the vaccines, they lied about masks, they lied about contagion, they lied about where the massive amounts of relief money went—or maybe all of it was just incompetence. The real issue here for 2024 is whether Kamala will take the opportunity to put us through the wringer again because of Monkey Pox (pay attention: it is becoming an issue) so that she and the bureaucrats and Big Pharma can enrich themselves, yet again, at our expense. The BIG QUESTION: We know what Kamala's policies were for Covid; will they be the same for Monkey-Pox or some other pandemic, God forbid that one should occur during her Presidency?
  2. CLIMATE. There are two key phrases in this Priority. First, "... the President is mobilizing a whole-of-government effort to reduce climate pollution in every sector of the economy..." which is nothing short of Marxist-talk for "we're going to us this 'crisis' as an excuse to help take control of the entire economy." Second, "The Biden administration will provide good-paying union jobs..." which is code for "the Unions will grease Biden's palms." The BIG QUESTION: Will Harris continue to push Climate change, repleat with wildlife- and job-killing green energy; worthless, dangerous electric vehicles; and the destruction of a reliable power grid? And will she continue to regurgitate the senseless and vomit-worthy phrase "good-paying union jobs"?
  3. RACIAL EQUITY. Like all the Hiden-Barris (oops) Priorities, I must first ask myself if this is really a major problem in the United States, and if so, what has Harris done about it other than cackle and yap for the past 3+ years? And what makes me think she can do better in the next four years? Or maybe this has always been an eight-year effort? And WHAT THE HELL IS RACIAL EQUITY, ANYWAY??? The BIG QUESTION: Will racial equity continue to be a priority for Harris; what has she done about it thus far; what will her approach be moving forward; and how will we know when "racial equity" has been achieved?
  4. ECONOMY. The focus is two-fold: (1) "take bold steps to address the inequities in our economy" (again, whatever the heck "equity" means); (2) "...relief to those who are struggling through the Covid 19 pandemic." As to the second, Covid should no longer be an issue, and if it is, why, Kamala, WHY? Taking Covid out of the equation leaves us with an Economic policy that addresses "equity." Period. That's it. Just equity. Probably best though, as Kamala has yet to show any signs of knowing what the word "economy" even means. KISS needs to be at the forefront of all her policy making; she has exhibited no mental capacity for anything complex. The BIG QUESTION: When it comes to Economic policy, is "equity" Is that what the "Opportunity Economy" is, in a word?
  5. HEALTH CARE. Again, KISS, Kamala, KISS. Just give everybody universal health-care, as you have proposed, then take the personal fortune you will have made as President and fly off to some place that provides real medical care. Capitalism and competition don't contribute to making healthcare better...do they? The BIG QUESTION: Will Republicans go along with her policy of "Medicare for All?"
  6. IMMIGRATION. Don't even get me started. She and Biden should be impeached prior to the election. I'm sure that won't change after the election. KISS won't work here, because this issue, which is otherwise fairly simple to resolve, seems to be too big for Kamala to even contemplate. Apparently, Analysis Paralysis set in immediately upon her fake visit to the border. The BIG QUESTION: Is there anything she can say or do regarding the border that will not result in making the situation worse?
  7. RESTORING AMERICA'S GLOBAL STANDING. Biden and Harris love to con people with the trope that America's Global Standing under Trump was awful. There is truth to that, in a twisted sort of way. Foreign dictators did not much care for Trump, as Trump did not enter into deals with dictators and terrorists for personal gain, a la Biden-Harris. The BIG QUESTION: Will Harris continue the Biden policy of collusion with foreign powers in order to line her own pockets? And will she follow the Biden policy of establishing offshore accounts for her family members, then making big money deals with dictators and terrorists at the expense of America and Americans?
So, there you have it. Kamala Harris DOES have her policies posted on the Internet, albeit not on her official campaign page. The last BIG QUESTION: Why does the Media not know about these pages or make them known to the public?


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