Murdering Babies in Gaza…and in Ohio. A Special Plea to Ohio Mothers.

Hamas delights in beheading born babies or burning them alive in an oven.

Ohioans delight in slicing up unborn babies or destroying them with chemicals while they are still in the sacred refuge of their mothers' wombs.

The EVIL citizens of Ohio, most of who presumably decry the recent, brutal slaughter of infants in Israel, just voted to constitutionally protect the rights of Ohio women to allow the murder of their own babies in the womb. Note that I said EVIL citizens of Ohio, and not EVIL Democrats, because Ohio is politically controlled by Republicans, thus it stands to reason that there are enough Republicans in Ohio who could have prevented this great EVIL if they so desired. This is a bipartisan slaughter of the innocent.

Ohioans, I don't care about which political party you belong to, I no longer want to hear ANY of you complain about the evils of transgenderism, unprosecuted crimes, pornography in the schools, or any other social evil. You—all of you—just codified Infanticide, the Evil of All Evils. Hamas beheads infant children and burns them alive in ovens. You claim to abhor that type of callous and cold murder. But Ohioans think it is perfectly fine to behead babies or dissolve (burn to death) them with chemicals in the womb, and you champion that cause. You and your fellow travelers in other states will not escape the wrath of God, and it makes me shudder to think about the never-ending, eternal and unthinkably painful punishment that is in store for you, at the same time delighting in God's justice.

Ohio mothers, a special word to you: Just because something is legal does not make it morally right. You know in your heart of hearts and in your soul that killing your baby is a sin. The state of Ohio cannot pass any law that negates the Law of God simply by voting to do so. Pray for your own soul and the soul of your unborn child before sacrificing your baby by means of this Godless, sinful, murderous atrocity.


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