Joe Biden and The $6B Hostage Payment: It Ain't That Hard

 A former boss of mine (he knows who he is) gave me the great gift of a timeless phrase that I have used over the years far more times than most of my friends, family and co-workers wished: "It ain't that hard." 

So allow me to vent a bit here and answer the question "Why won't Joe Biden freeze the $6 billion ransom payment to the Iranians?" Well, friends, IT AIN'T THAT HARD if you have paid any attention whatsoever to the nature of the person (Joseph Biden) we are talking about here.

Here's the deal: An un-indicted criminal who is guilty of treason, bribery, money-laundering and God only knows (literally) what else—someone who has enriched himself and his family by selling influence, appointing foreign agents to government posts, abusing and using his own son, lying to the public virtually every time he opens his mouth, and by all accounts is a scantily-closeted sexual pervert—simply does not just make bad and baffling policy decisions regarding everything he touches. Someone with a reprobate mind and a seared conscience is not simply miscalculating. No, people like Joe Biden are pathological liars and evil—every bit as evil as the leaders of Hamas and Iran, to whom he undoubtedly is indebted in some form or fashion, just as much as he is indebted to China, the Ukraine, and the other countries to whom he has sold access and his soul.

Joe Biden cannot freeze the $6 billion ransom payment for the same three reasons that he cannot and will not give us a secure border and a sane energy policy. And for the same three reasons he does not shoot down Chinese spy balloons, and doesn't enforce sanctions against Iran, and does not react to the Chinese buying up our domestic lands and resources, and ignores Supreme Court decisions, and, most recently, flies to Israel to insist on being given Israel's military strategies and targets, while slowing Israel's military progress at the same time. In Biblical terms, the three reasons are "The lust of the eye," "The lust of the eye," and "The pride of life." AKA "money, sex and power." 

Does anyone believe for a minute that the ransom payment to Iran did not come with strings attached? Listen carefully. What's that noise? you ask. Not to worry, it's just the sound of a large chunk of that $6 billion being laundered in the back room of some offshore bank, then sent whirring to the undisclosed bank accounts of a multitude of fake companies belonging to the Biden Crime Family.

Compounding those three reasons (money, power and sex) are two powerful disincentives to coming clean and doing the right things: First, those to whom Uncle Joe has sold himself might, at any time, reveal his immoral, unethical and criminal dealings with them (alternatively, they could just arrange to make him go away.) Second, he is terrified by the repugnant thought of someone turning off the spigots and depriving him of the money and power to which he feels completely entitled, and for which he has sold his soul to the Devil, at great expense to himself, his family, his country and the world.

Joe Biden is much more than just a befuddled old fool who makes bad decisions. In his lucid moments, he is evil, deceitful and treacherous. At all times he is self-absorbed. He sympathizes with no one but himself, unless there is money in it for so doing. (Oh! would that Congress should return with a vengeance to exposing Biden's dirty and wildly evil doings. Alas, I fear they will not, for many of them are likely just as compromised as Joe Biden, and Joe Biden likely knows who they are, and very well may be in cahoots with them.)

Let him who has eyes, see what Joe Biden is. Let him who has ears, hear who Joe Biden is. Let anyone with half a brain put the pieces of this very simple puzzle together and develop a basic and cogent understanding of what drives Joe Biden to do what he does. Let us all stop asking "why," as though we really don't know why Joe Biden, his owners and his handlers do what they do. They do it for the same reasons that all of us do wrong and sinful things: The lust of the flesh, The lust of the eye, and The pride of life.

It ain't that hard.


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