By Definition, Joe Biden is America's Only White Supremacist

There are only two places in the Bible where an individual is referred to as Supreme. In each case, that individual is the King. 

In Biblical times, almost all countries were ruled by a King. The modern counterpart of the King in Democracies has the title of President, Prime Minister, Chancellor, etc. In autocracies or dictatorships, the person in charge of the government is referred to as, in the example of North Korea's Leader, Supreme Marshall, or sometimes simply as Supreme Leader or Supreme commander.

People who so freely bandy about the words "white supremacy" have given little thought as to what the word "supreme" really means, especially in its socio-political and religious contexts.  In those contexts, as we have pointed out, only one person in a country is truly supreme, and that is the person at the head of the government. Biblically, Kings were assigned the attribute of "supremacy" because they were the earthly beings who exercised civil authority under the auspices of the Supreme Being, God himself. As such, they are not supreme in and of themselves, but their office reflects the Supremacy of God.

Now, all of this leads to the logical conclusion that the people who keep shouting "white supremacy" know little or nothing of the Bible, or of God, or of language. But there are other problems. To accuse anyone of asserting or exercising supremacy because of the color of his skin is not just a social or political insult, it makes a theological and religious statement about the ignorance and dishonesty of the person leveling the charge. But the whole movement is hardly Biblical or Godly, unless you belong to one of those country club or social justice churches, or you don't believe in God's Word or even that there is a God.

America is constructed to mitigate against supremacy--supremacy as a politician, as an elected official, as a member of a social group, as an individual. All the evidence indicates that the mitigation has been largely extremely effective, even if sometimes slow or painful. And isn't it interesting that those who shout the loudest that our most recent elections were pure as the driven snow often are the ones saying that America is run by White Supremacists? But logic and reasoning have never been the strengths of the race-baiting name-callers.

The "white supremacist" race-baiters also neglect to consider that in order for one group of people to be supreme, all other groups must be inferior. Neither to they propose which color of people should be superior, And if they are correct in stating that one group of people managed to assert "white" supremacy, then it follows that it is possible, even probable, that another group of some other color must assert supremacy in order to wrest supremacy away from the "white" supremacists. 

But I digress. Back to the heading and point of this post. The closest the United States comes to having a King is the office of President, thus the only supremacist that could possibly exist, definitionally and Biblically, is the person who occupies that office. Hence, at the moment, Joe Biden is America's resident, and only, truly White Supremacist. Deal with that reality as you will, but please, focus your efforts on the one person in this country whose supremacy matters most. 


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