In Our Own Eyes: Our Putrid National Ethos

If there is one Bible verse that describes the American culture today, it is this: "In those days there was no king in Israel; everyone did what was right in his own eyes." —Judges 21:25

Our national ethos—our system of ethics—has devolved from that established by the Founding Fathers in principle and codified explicitly and implicitly in the Constitution. In the beginning, our ethics were based on the common assumption that God knows best and has defined ethical behavior. Unfortunately, before the ink dried on the Constitution, there were some (most?) who did not quite see it that way and started in with that whole Adamic thing of "Yes, but..."

In 2022 our more-or-less originally God-based system of ethics has devolved into our present "in their own eyes" system of ethics. This new system has given us abortion, LGBTQ, same-sex marriage, rampant divorce, daycare, corrupt government, socialized medicine, Wokeness and a host of other evils; their is no limit to what can and will be allowed when there are 7.9 billion different versions of "the way things ought to be." 

An ever-changing and ever-coalescing national ethos parallels the belief of many that the Constitution is an ever-changing document, and with the position that the Bible is not relevant in modern society. 

Why is it important to understand what is wrong with our national ethos? Because you cannot fully comprehend how we have gotten ourselves into the current messes that are Covid policies, vaccine mandates, government schools, healthcare, teachers unions, government bureaucracy, political corruption, sexual immorality, family dysfunction and a host of other societal ills and evils unless you first understand how we arrived at our current national ethos. Moreover, we will never find our way out of our current morass of cultural rot unless we understand how we got here ("in our own eyes") and what to do about it ("through God's eyes").


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