Sex Money and Pride: The Truth About Our Open Borders...and a Whole Lot of Other Things

Trying to make sense of it all.

I think it is fair and accurate to say that 1 John 2:16 places all sins into one or more of three categories: 
  • Sex (desires of the flesh); 
  • Money or Materialism (desires of the eyes); 
  • and misplaced Pride (the pride of life).
Virtually everyone we encounter in social media or on television cannot fathom why our borders are open and why Joe Biden and Co. could not care less about the evils attached to a completely open border. Let's see if this Bible verse might shed some light on the problem.

SEX: Human Trafficking and Cheap Labor. We know that the Jeffrey Epstein's of the world—some of whom are rich and powerful politicians (Bill Clinton), businessmen (Bill Gates) and royalty (Prince Andrew)—are all for human trafficking. We must also assume that many of our federal, state and local officials—men and women—also are all for it, and that a significant portion of the general population really does not have a serious issue with it. Joe Biden himself seems to be a bit of a pervert, and he certainly has no problem pushing the LGBTQ agenda, including appointing really sick and disgusting perverts as heads of departments and bureaus. The sexual immorality of our leaders and our nation is in play on our borders.

MONEY: It is undeniable that Biden and his family are, and have been, engaged in a variety of illegal and immoral schemes to personally enrich themselves. It is inescapable that many others around him, especially in our government, are directly or indirectly aiding and abetting the Biden family mob, and that by doing so they, too, profit in some way. Applied to the border, these truths might lead us to believe that one of—if not the—major reasons that Biden wants a completely open border is because he and his family benefit financially from an open border. As he undoubtedly is profitably in bed with Xi Jinping and other foreign officials, is it really a stretch to surmise that he probably is profiting from the open borders by doing business with the cartels and with heads of state of Central and South American countries? Add to Biden’s greed the greed of companies who want cheap labor, and rich people who want cheap servants. The materialism of our leaders and our nation is in play on our borders. Follow the money.

PRIDE: Study Joe Biden’s history, his actions, his behaviors. He’s not very bright, either naturally or educationally. He has no real skills-set other than being a politician. All his sense of self-worth and esteem comes from his position of political power. How does that apply to the border? I think everyone accepts the fact that the Democrats, including Joe Biden, believe they are importing voters for Democrats and their policies, and the more the better. How many are enough? The open border fuels and props up the pride of Biden and others in power.

Sex, Money and Pride. Do you have a better or more likely explanation for what’s happening on the border? Let’s hear it.


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