Lockdowns, WFH, Communism and Socialism -- Same Roots, Same Results

Have you noticed how chillingly like Communism and Socialism are both the promises and actual results of lockdowns and remote working? All -- lockdowns, WFH,  Communism and Socialism -- have their seeds in the false promises of Nirvana (aka Shangri-la, Utopia, the "New Norm"). And all share the same tragic consequences when tried: mass paranoia, fear, loneliness, substance abuse, loss of hope, depression, suicide, broken relationships, shoddy work results and poor productivity; in short, everything except what was promised and predicted.

The False Prophets of Covid-19

Better to look at the sordid results of the history of Socialism and Communism than to buy into the promises of the false prophets of Covid-19. The New Norm is not a new concept born of the Covid-19 pandemic. It is an old Socialist concept that is constantly looking for an excuse, a rationale for implementation, and Covid-19 is just the newest in a long line of rationalizations. So let's make a simple and plain comparison here: The New Norm is nothing more than Progressive Socialism and/or Communism, none of which seek to replace the Old Norm, but seek only to destroy the Normative, the latter being a word and concept of which we are painfully and dangerously ignorant. I encourage you look into the concept of "the Normative." In short it deals with the way things "ought to be," which often conflicts with the way we actually live our lives. 

"Norm(al)" and "Normative" Are Not the Same!

The Old Norm-Current Norm for work certainly is rife with shortcomings, but it has, overall, worked pretty well for us. The proposed New Norm for work is nothing short of the equivalent of the Green New Deal and other Progressive power grabs that have as an end-goal the ushering in of Socialism or Communism: Free this-or-that (education, housing, etc.) for everybody, shared power, a distorted and unrealistic "equality," collectivism, absolute individual autonomy, escape from the grips of the Capitalist. It all sounds great until you try to make it actually work, and history, not to mention an understanding of human nature, has proved that neither Socialism or Communism produces the optimal state of affairs for the satisfaction of the human soul or the existence of humankind. And certainly neither system--Socialism or Communism-- has ever proved to be the foundation for a better workplace or satisfied workers.

Commercial Observer: Productivity Drops as Work From Home Fatigue Sets In

In the end, WFH is a reflection of Mankind's greatest and most lingering desire: "We will be like God." WFH has that desire in common with Socialism and Communism. We think that more freedom, more autonomy, will make us happier, but the Law of Diminishing Returns applies to everything and WFH is a step too far when it comes to satisfaction in our jobs. It promises to remove from us many of the bonds of an imperfect workplace, only to discover through experience that the New Norm for work is even less perfect than the current norm; in fact, the New Norm is much worse than simply "going to work" every day.

As humans, we long for Community, not Isolation. WFH achieves only the latter. Everybody just needs to chill and find a way to return, as closely as humanly possible, to the Normative, which is not the same as either the Old Norm or the New Norm.


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