Joe Biden and the Unions: From One Relic to Another


It is not surprising that Joe Biden, a political relic, refers constantly to unions, another relic of our past. To listen to Mr. Biden, it's as though unions and union jobs are much to be trusted and desired by the public. They are not. There are many reasons why union membership has fallen dramatically in the past 50 years, and their violent Bolshevist history is chief among them. Make no mistake though: Mr. Biden intends to breath new life into unionism and its Bolshevist methodologies. If Americans remain ignorant to the threat, Bolshevist unions working hand-in-hand with a Bolshevist government and a Bolshevist Press is a powerful combination that is likely to succeed in implementing the agenda of the Progressive Socialists currently occupying the White House and a sizable portion of the federal and state houses and legislatures.

Unions arguably were the first domestic terrorist groups of the United States. If not the first, certainly the most violent. In 1923, the Wall Street Journal published a series of 32 articles detailing a litany of violent and corrupt actions engaged in by labor unions. In 2021, the corrupt media, far from calling out the unions for their actions, praise and participate in the unions' corruption. For proof, just watch the mainstream media's coverage of the teachers' unions in response to the proposition of re-opening the schools post-Covid-19. The media is all-in with the teachers' unions' selfish maltreatment of students. It takes a Bolshevist to know and love another Bolshevist.

Twenty-one lives were lost in the Times explosion and a time-bomb was placed in the home of General Otis, who was absent from the city, but it failed to explode. -- from "A History of Organized Felony and Folly," the Wall Street Journal, 1923. 

Bombing of the LA Times by Unionists

Thus far, I have not seen or heard the media, left- or right-wing, latching on to Mr. Biden's obvious signalling that he intends to not only embrace unionism--all Democrat politicians make that claim--but he intends to use them as a tool and a means to help carry out his radical Bolshevist agenda. This lack of curiosity (or maybe it's just ignorance of history) on the part of the Media is even more puzzling when you combine it with President Biden's simultaneous capitulation to the social and mental terrorism being visited upon our children by the Bolshevist teachers' unions. Why are so-called conservative media just as oblivious as the liberal media to Biden's wishful return to the Bolshevist activities of the unions 100 years ago? The obvious answer is "That's what autocrats do." 

Classrooms empty because of Teachers' Unions

Nowhere are Mr. Biden's intentions for the unions more obvious than his repeated use of the phrase "union jobs," normally preceded by the phrase "good-paying," as though no one in this country is paid well who does not belong to a union (the opposite is the truth). You can be sure that Mr. Biden increasingly will weave other union promises (aka, lies) into future speeches and appeals to the Democrat Party's socialist base. And Mr. Biden is sure to use Executive Orders and bureaucratic restructuring to make it easier for unions to organize and more difficult for employers to manage without the interference of unions.

It is not unreasonable to assert that Antifa and Black Lives Matter criminals are, in their own way, the new Bolsheviks, and as such the progeny of the old Bolshevist unions. Those two radical organizations, combined with a potential resurgence of the radical, terrorist labor unions of the early 1900's, should raise a red flag for all Americans. 

Democrats have always enlisted and relied upon unions to help them carry out their socialist, Bolshevist agenda. Let's hope Joseph Biden does not use them as brutally as his namesake in Russia did, but our recent experience with teachers' unions indicates that such hope is fruitless. 

If you have not read the original series of Wall Street articles, you should. The series is timely and provides an insight into the train that's coming down the track if Joseph "Stalin" Biden continues down the path he is on. 

DISCLOSURE: I am working on a modern copy of the Wall Street Series, complete with commentary and linked references to other sources. If interested, send an email to admin @ thegoodboss .club with the subject line "Felony and Folly." I will let you know when the new work is available. 


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