America is not a common dumping ground for the world's offal and rubbish

THERE IS A GREAT (IN MY OPINION) BOOK WRITTEN IN 1890 WITH THE TITLE "OUR COUNTRY'S FUTURE, OR GREAT NATIONAL QUESTIONS." It covers a number of topics, including Divorce, Our Cities, Religion, The Politician and much more. In the section on Immigration, there is a statement that I believe is applicable to our times, 134 years after it was written. I thought you might find it to be so, too.

"BECAUSE this is a land of liberty a great many foreigners imagine it a land of license. To do them justice, they do not know any better. But we do, and it is our duty to teach them the difference. If we don't, we, not they, will be the principal sufferers. The subject of immigration has been largely discussed by the newspapers of late, and a good deal of demagogy has been got off in Congress on the same subject. But sensible people are pretty well agreed that it is time to put some restriction upon the use of America as a common dumping ground for the world's offal and rubbish. This country is not an asylum for criminals or paupers. That ought to go without saying and it should not require any argument to prove, but it seems we have been very careless in this direction."

Here is a link to the book. It is free to download as a pdf or epub. I am working on converting it to a text document.


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