The Gospel for All Nations, by O Palmer Robertson

 O. Palmer Robertson is someone we have gotten to know only relatively lately, and we consider our introduction to Him a God-given, providential discovery. Robertson has somewhat recently taken to writing a Substack page called Elder to Elder (elder2elder). Though his Substack normally is focused on issues that directly affect Teaching and Ruling Elders, occasionally he writes more broadly or universally. The substack article below falls into the latter category.

We appreciate all that Robertson writes, but we are especially enlightened by his knowledge of the Gospel as it pertains to God's Covenant to the Jews; "Gospel Equity" (our term, not Robertson's) among Jews and Gentiles; Palestine in history and in God's overall plans, and "the land." In short, he clears up much confusion and anxiety that exists in the church and in the world regarding "the times" and "the land" vis-a-vis the Jews and the Gentiles, and redemptive history.

"The Gospel for All Nations" is his recent address to the 51st General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church of America. Without further adieu... (P.S. Subscription is free.)

The Gospel for All Nations by O. Palmer Robertson

Some of you recently returned from the 51st General Assembly of the PCA. You may be interested in this address given to the General Assembly 20 years ago.

Read on Substack


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