No Responsible Person in Private Business Would Ever Hire Kamala Harris

Kamala Harris

I worked in HR management in private companies for 38 years. In that time, I was engaged in the hiring process for thousands of employees. One of the things I learned was that it is difficult—no, it is impossible—to learn very much about a person based on a resumé and an hour or two of interviews, no matter what interviewing methods you use. I also learned that possession of a college degree—even an advanced degree with professional certification—is scant proof of future success.

'Back in the day' before social media, it was even more difficult to gauge someone's character and world views (both of which should be essential to hiring, but have largely been legislated and shamed out of existence in the hiring process). If an interviewee had sufficient experience and education, you took your chances and hired them, then, like marrying someone two weeks after you met them at a bar, you simply observed and waited to see if they were a home run, a single, or a strikeout.

Another thing I learned in my 38 years of interviewing, observing and evaluating were the key indicators—"signs," if you will—that someone might, or might not, be the right person for the position. I won't go into the details of those signs in this post, but I can only vouch that far more often than not they were spot-on indicators of success or failure. The last important point is that it sometimes took only days, weeks, or months to observe the signs, but never more than 2-3 years.

Today, and particularly as it applies to political candidates, we have social media and television to assist us in determining whether someone might be worth hiring (voting for). Even then, our baked-in biases, along with our hopes, needs and desires can send us down the wrong track, where there is a train wreck waiting for us at the end of the hiring line.

Now, as for Kamala Harris, who is interviewing for what some would say is the most important job in the world (it is not, though it ranks near the top), we have a well-documented work and behavioral history gathered through social media, television, and written reports of her speeches, press conferences, interviews with the media, guest appearances, etc. We also have substantial evidence, from the same sources, of her success, or lack thereof, in every paid position she has held. for the past 25+ years. In short, we have a whole boat-load of 'signs.'

Based strictly on my own personal experience and hiring skills, for whatever they are worth, I would never hire Kamala Harris for ANY position in any organization for which I worked or might have worked. I might—with the emphasis on MIGHT—consider her for a first interview, but given the body of her on-the-record, documented performance, I would never hire her. There is simply too much evidence that she is degreed, but not smart or educated; experienced, but not in the right things; talkative, but not articulate; ambitious, but not principled; opinionated, but not thoughtful. Another visible sign is that she loves being served, but not being a servant. Last, and far from being least, she alienates and frustrates those around her, at all levels of the organization, especially those who work directly for her.

In my 38 years in HR, I partnered with many supervisors, managers and executives to hire people. Some were good at it, some were awful, some were in-between, but I can tell you that the good ones would never have hired Kamala Harris as a lawyer, a manager or a janitor. It's not that she does not have some education, some skills, some experience that might be useful. It's just that she is one of those self-serving, self-adoring, underachieving, culture-destroying, manipulative people that sometimes get hired, to the great regret of many later on.


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