"FLUE NEWS" A Workplace Flyer on the Spanish Flu from 1918

 In the November, 1918 edition of Factory: The Magazine of Management, we found this short blurb on a publication an unnamed employer used to keep its employees better informed about the Spanish Influenza pandemic. Below the short article, we have included a Spanish Flu-related advertisement for your amusement.


WHEN the Spanish influenza was just getting a start in the plant of one middle-western company, a special sheet called “Flue News," was distributed to all of the workers. This, written in a semi-humorous style so that it would be read, told the workers how to take care of themselves so as not to get sick, how to ward off the disease, and what to do if they took it. Of course it is impossible to state how much good this has done but the percentage of workers sick has been relatively low.

The Aftermath of Epidemic


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