According to Google and the U.S. Congress, "White Supremacists" Are Unique

 When I googled ("white supremacist" definition) one of the search results returned was this:

a person who believes that white people constitute a superior race and should therefore dominate society, typically to the exclusion or detriment of other racial and ethnic groups, in particular black or Jewish people. usage example: "an avowed white supremacist" (from Oxford Languages)

Every English-language lexicon website  had a similar definition (merriam-webster,, wikipedia,,, wiktionary,, and the list goes on). Most of the the definitions were exactly the same as quoted above, or very close to it. 

Interestingly, in my second search when I substituted "black," "brown," and "yellow" for "white," there were no results. Zero. Zilch. Nada. And not only were no definitions returned in my alternative searches, unlike with my "white supremacist" search there were also no references to the "(alternative) supremacist" search: no academic publications, no media articles, nothing regarding black or brown supremacy.

Next I googled just the word "supremacist" and got this definition:

noun: a person who believes that a particular group, especially one determined by race, religion, or sex, is superior and should therefore dominate society. adjective: supporting the belief that a particular group, especially one determined by race, religion, or sex, is superior and should therefore dominate society.

My two google searches, along with current political and social discourse, have taught me this: While it is possible for black people, brown people, Muslims, Jews, Christians, Men or Women to be supremacists, in actuality supremacy manifests itself only in white people. Now, whether that is true only in countries in which whites are a majority of the population, I do not know without doing further research, but we might assume that it is universally true because, after all, Google's mission "is to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful." If, after 22 years of fulfilling its mission, Google search results for "black supremacy" and "brown supremacy" simply do not exist, and search results for "white supremacy" not only exist in droves, the phrase "white supremacist" is used in the heated rhetoric of the United States Congress, then we must conclude that white supremacy and white supremacists are unique. 

There. We have established that White Supremacy is unique . . . and very bad according to the Inferiorists of other colors. The only real question now is whether to deprive the white American majority of its supremacy here and now through the combined power of government compulsion and social cancellation, or take the long road and simply just wait until whites are no longer a majority.  The political rhetoric seems to indicate that immediate and harsh sanctions should be inflicted on white people, though most advocates of that policy seem content to allow cancellation to be the only punitive action, at least for now. 

It seems to me that those who were wise and smart enough to determine that White Supremacy is an imminent threat to the country would have to be supremacists themselves in some way. But even if we were to agree, collectively, that such a creature as a Black Supremacist might exist, we could look at that person not with fear and loathing, but with admiration for having overcome overwhelming odds to ascend to a position of supremacy. 

Will we ever see "black supremacist" or "brown supremacist" enter the English lexicon? Probably not, because those who control the language and the flow of information do not think such a creature can or ever will exist. 


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